The tasks of warehousing, also known as warehouse logistics, try to optimize the way in which both goods and information are handled, within distribution centers and warehouses; considering the activities of receipt of merchandise, storage, inventory, classification, preparation of orders and shipment of goods.

Warehouse management has gained importance and complexity, as the efficiency in supply chain management depends largely on highly efficient operations management within warehouses and distribution centers.

In order for the processes in warehouse logistics to function properly, it is necessary to analyze all the available information that shows us the key characteristics in the main activities within the companies warehouse, if they are carried out properly.

It's necessary to consider that not all merchandise moves in the same way, so it's necessary to have a strategic planning that gives us the guideline for operations within the warehouse and that the merchandise is mobilized through the supply chain according to the needs of each company.

In logistics management, two main stages can be distinguished:

  • Catering
  • Physical distribution

The objective of these actions is to guarantee the supply of materials and merchandise to ensure the company's operations without interruption. Therefore, the production flow of a company depends strongly on the efficiency of its warehouse.


Why Shenzhen Pacific International Freight Forwarders for warehouse logistics?


If within your needs you need the receipt of merchandise, store it and distribute it, in Shenzen Pacific International we have highly trained staff to manage your inventory and, through proper warehouse logistics, reduce your operating expenses.


We offer a wide variety of solutions for storage and distribution worldwide.


To guarantee the best experience, we have agreements with the best carriers to move your merchandise according to your needs, as well as specialized staff to offer you the best logistic management of your goods.

Economic benefits of warehouse logistics


It provides the possibility of having an inventory that helps to counteract fluctuations in supply and demand.


We can anticipate the price fluctuations of the products, and thus be able to buy them when the price is lower and sell it when the price is favorable.


A warehouse helps the most effective use of capital and labor within the manufacturing and supply units. It helps keep overtime costs down and allows a company to buy and store more supplies when provider prices are more favorable.

Importance of warehouse management

As we have mentioned before, the efficiency of warehouse management lies a great responsibility for the proper functioning of the company. Therefore, it is important to establish the objectives for the warehouse management.

  • Fast delivery
  • Reliability
  • Volume Maximization Available
  • Minimization of handling and transport operations.

Given these objectives in warehouse logistics, the aim is to reduce administrative tasks, agility is generated in the development of other logistics processes, it allows product improvement, it generates cost optimization, it reduces the time invested in some processes and is reflected in the highest level of customer service satisfaction.

A cart in warehouse aisle in an IKEA store