The Land freight or international land transport service is a logistics solution that allows goods to be transported using land infrastructure, whether it is a truck or train; being one of the most popular and versatile transports for the needs of our customers.

Land freight is the most used alternative for short distances, especially as it allows greater flexibility to pick up shipments and there is a greater offer, when looking for options that fit your budget.

Being the most economical type of transport, it is often preferred, although it is necessary to consider its limitations, such as its limited capacity and distance restrictions; because for long journeys it does not represent the best alternative.

Types of Customers using the Land Freight Service

Although the transport of land cargo has great benefits, it is necessary to consider the technical limitations with which this type of transport has.

Although in terms of the type of merchandise, the ground service does not have restrictions, it is necessary to consider that it has limitations in terms of the volume of loads that can be transported, since the capacity of these transports is considerably less than other alternatives such as air transport or sea transport.

In cargo transportation by road it is possible to transport all types of goods thanks to the possibility of adapting the truck trailer to the necessary form for any matter.

Here we tell you the type of merchandise for land freight for which the land service is ideal.

  • Building material, heavy machinery and indivisible large goods

By using open platforms, large material can be transported efficiently, especially when it comes to direct street delivery.

  • Perishable merchandise

By using of refrigerated trucks or refrigerated boxes, it is possible to transport goods that require specific climatic conditions to remain good for consumption.

  • Live animals

By using cages designed to favor the ventilation during the trip it facilitates the transfer of alive animals.

  • Vehicles

Up to 21 vehicles or a load of up to 35 tons can be transported in "madrina" type trucks.

  • Liquid cargo

By means of autotanks it is possible to load up to 35,000 liters, giving us the possibility of transporting chemical, petrochemical and liquid products.

Types of Ground Transportation - Types of Cargo Trucks

As we have already mentioned, the transport of land cargo allows the transfer of a wide variety of goods, however, it is important to consider that for each type of cargo there is a specialized vehicle for its transfer, so it is important to know the characteristics of the vehicle that will be in charge of moving your merchandise, to have a greater certainty of a safe shipment.

Rabon (1 axis) and Torton (2 axes)

In this type of rigid trucks, removals, transportation of dry cargo and parcels are made. The capacity is 8 ton / Measures: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40m and 17 ton / Measures: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40m respectively.

Closed box

Dry cargo is moved, the 53ft truck has a capacity of up to 25 tons and measures: 15.90 x 2.50 x 2.50m, the 48ft truck has the same capacity and measures: 14.50 x 2.50 x 2.50m.

Double trailer

This type of truck is also called full, it is designed to transport dry cargo. It has measures: 15.90 x 2.50 x 2.50m each and the maximum capacity is 50 ton.

Refrigerated box

It is intended for the transportation of merchandise that must be under special temperature conditions, has a capacity of 15 tons and its measurements: 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40 m. It is indicated for perishable products and merchandise with temperature sensitivity.


It is used for the transport of containers and heavy material in bulk. The capacity is up to 25 tons and measures 13.50 x 2.50 x 2.50 m. The use of containers facilitates the movement of merchandise in multimodal transport.

Tanker truck

It is also called a pipe, it is ideal for loading liquids, chemicals, petrochemicals and gases. It can contain a maximum of 25,000 liters.

Auto tank for asphalt or bulk

It has a maximum capacity of 35,000 liters, allows the transport of chemical, petrochemical and liquid products.

Bulk carrier

In this type of truck food products are moved in bulk, the capacity is 8 tons and measures 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40m. It is also known as a bulk cage.

Cattle cage

It is designed for the transport of animals, its measures are 6.50 x 2.50 x 2.40 m and the load capacity is 12 ton.

Curtain truck

It is used for products that require lateral loading and unloading. Its maximum capacity is 25 ton and measures 12 x 2.50 x 2.40 m.

Heavy Hauler

This truck is used to transport machinery or heavy products, its measures are 12 x 3.50 x 3.20 m. It has a load capacity of 45 tons.

Hopper Truck

It is designed for bulk loading and for the transfer of construction material. The maximum capacity is 11.5 tons.

Car Transport

This version is a vehicle carrier, has the capacity to transport up to 21 vehicles and the capacity is 35 tons.

To identify the types of cargo trucks to be used, it is necessary to know the nature of the merchandise, the characteristics of the cargo and the route for its transport. For the optimization of resources it is  ideal to have the advice of a freight forwarder.

Advantages of Land Freight transport


This alternative of transport is considerably cheaper compared to other alternatives of transport such as air or sea.

If your priority is not the delivery time, you can cover a large distance at a lower cost through international land transportation.


Land freight has one of its great advantages in the flexibility that allows our customers to adjust to their needs.

The route can be adjusted and changed according to your preferences and needs without major inconvenience.


While in other shipping methods the merchandise can only be delivered to specific locations, ground shipping is much more flexible, since a delivery can be made anywhere that has enough space for loading and unloading.

Additionally, insurance plans can be managed to protect your merchandise from possible damage.


Land freight is the most suitable to reach places of difficult access that do not have airport or maritime infrastructure, the road network generally offers better support for access to remote places.


Although, air shipping is the best alternative when you need a fast delivery, the transportation of land cargo has had significant improvements over the years, with better routes that allow fast and efficient delivery. Therefore, if speed is not a priority in your shipment, ground shipping can offer you a delivery on time for a significantly lower cost.


Ground transportation gives us the possibility to track the merchandise in real time and have a better idea about the delivery times.


If in your business you have the need to move dangerous merchandise, sometimes air or sea transportation may have some restrictions that hinder this task, while any type of cargo can be mobilized by land, as long as you have the appropriate container for the task.

Undoubtedly, working with a land transport company offers great benefits helping you save money, as long as the delivery time is not a priority factor for the transport of your merchandise.

Why to work with Shenzhen Pacific International Freight Forwarders?

Companies that seek to move large quantities of merchandise face the decision to work with a freight forwarder or hire the carrier directly.

In Shenzhen Pacific International we have the ability to negotiate the best prices, plan the most efficient routes and select the most appropriate transportation method for your needs, always with the aim of optimizing profitability and minimizing the delivery times of your merchandise.

We are experts in the regulations, laws, procedures and processes required in international logistics, guaranteeing the success in delivering your products.

Among the benefits we offer you are:

  • Advice on the most appropriate mode of transport
  • Have an extensive logistics network and transport agents
  • Have more control over the load
  • Ability to solve any problem in an agile way
  • Simplification of the process and procedures
  • Legal security and customs documentation in order
  • Have an experienced team in international transport
  • Fluid communication and customer service
  • Improvement of the competitiveness of the company
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