What is a Freight Forwarder?

When a company is looking to import or export some kind of products, it is necessary that it carry out a large number of administrative processes to ensure that its cargo is successfully delivered in its destination. These processes involved in an international business are very complex, so a Freight Forwarder is very helpful.

The work of the freight forwarder is to  be an intermediary between its client and the different freight transport services, as well as take care of all the administrative processes necessary for the merchandise to reach its destination.

In addition, the freight forwarder is responsible for conducting a detailed investigation that allows planning the best route, optimizing costs, transit time and resources, etc. In the same way, it is in charge of the negotiations with the transport companies, carries out the administrative procedures, provides the necessary documentation for the operation, as well as taking care of the release of the cargo at its destination, maintaining constant communication with the client, of so that you have updated information throughout the shipping process.

In order to obtain better prices and better routes to improve the profitability of the shipment, a forwarder has strategic alliances with its service providers, taking care of every detail necessary for the successful transport of the merchandise.

Each industry is different,  therefore, the customer's needs change according to the circumstances of each project; That is why a freight forwarder offers a personalized service that takes into consideration the particular characteristics of each service.

Usually a freight forwarder has the capacity to manage a large volume of shipments in international destinations, so it has major importance in triangular operations, in operations involving companies located in different countries, where administrative management is complex.

Our services

We understand that for some companies sending a merchandise represents an urgency due to the rush that the product has to be delivered to its final customer. That is why an important part of our operational and commercial department are highly trained to operate an export and import air freight.

We know the importance of providing a competitive land service, therefore we create strategic alliances with various land transport companies in Mexico, which allows us to cover any land operation inside and outside the Mexico.

Thanks to having agents in each of the most important ports, we have movement capacity for Sea Export and Import shipments with highly qualified agents, savings in time, money and work.

If within your needs is the storage of merchandise and its distribution, in SPI we have highly trained personnel to manage your inventory and, through proper warehouse logistics, reduce your operating expenses.

We have extensive knowledge in specialized movements or project loads, therefore we know that errors and assumptions are not allowed, that's why before analyzing any new project a detailed analysis is carried out in order to grant the client a High quality and trust service.

We know how important it is that each product is handled according  the different guidelines and restrictions that exist regarding the transportation of loads with specific requirements.

Value-added services offered by a Freight Forwarder

◎ Assessment on international trade operations
◎ Optimization in costs and operating times
◎ Cargo insurance
◎ Assessment for proper packaging, labeling cargo and stowage of merchandise
◎ Management of proper documentation and administrative procedures
◎ Personalization in the service according to the needs of each project
◎ Detailed analysis to determine the most appropriate transport and route according to the type of merchandise, destination and shipping times
◎ Advice on customs procedures and payment of tariffs
◎ Warehouse logistics and storage services


Why Shenzhen Pacific International as Freight forwarder?

Thanks to our extensive network of strategic alliances and our highly qualified staff, we are able to offer you an excellent service with the best customer care, providing you with an efficient service throughout the shipping process.


Thanks to our strategic alliances, we are able to negotiate good prices to improve the profitability of your shipment.


At Shenzhen Pacific International we offer you reliability throughout the shipping process; managing for you the entire operation, so you don't have to worry about the complex tasks that a large-scale shipment requires.


We can manage efficient operations that are able to meet rigorous delivery times, and overcome unforeseen obstacles.

We have the necessary resources to manage unforeseen circumstances such as delivery delays, route changes and more, guaranteeing the success of the operation.