Trough innovative processes, our company provides integral logistics solutions with the widest range of operation in the market.

Beyond offering solutions, Shenzhen Pacific International Supply Chain offers a wide range of possibilities, based on an exceptional customer service, with a solid financial support to cover any needs.
We are well prepared to provide solutions supported in efficient processes.

Our company’s structure allows us to offer a Premium service, with clear processes, always giving response on time to cover our customers needs.

Shenzhen Pacific International gives great results with simple solutions

Delivered Packages

Our guarantee is to deliver your packages safe and in time

Countries Covered

We count on an operative worldwide network

Satisfied Clients

Highly qualified customer care

Tons of Goods

We manage any kind of projects


Satisfy our customers needs through tailored solutions, supported by practical processes, archiving deliveries on time with a fast and efficient logistic operations.


Become a leader in the logistics market

Keep a solid financial support

Operate by a “Keep it simple” process

Be an outstanding place to work


Simplicity, honesty, respect, punctuality, transparence, quality of service, customer care, professionalism, commitment, security, trust, teamwork and proactivity.




You need the information, we keep you updated.


We highly value your trust, we’ll give you great business results.


Forget about complex bureaucratic processes. Our services suits all your needs.

First things first

Our company is highly oriented to satisfy your needs